Life in Durham Region is rich with culture, diversity, events, and recreation. If you've just arrived, we can help you get started.

Getting started

One of the first things you will want to do when you get here is learn about banking. You may want to learn about transportation in Durham or how to get a license and start driving.

You can also learn English or attend English classes, or check out some books at the library.

A great way to discover what the region has to offer is by finding your favourite foods.

If you're not sure where to start, settlement services can help.

Schools for children

If you have kids, you'll want to find schools for children.

Community events

We have community events for everyone. We also have a wonderful arts and culture scene.

Sports and recreation

There are many sports and recreation activities and centres for you to join.


We have seniors' centres, activities and recreation programs for people over 55 and 65 years old. See our seniors page to get started.

Faith and worship

We have many places of worship for people of diverse faith backgrounds.


If you or your family members are part of the LGBTQ+ community, we have resources and information to help you get a welcoming start.

Emergency help

Emergency response and crisis information is available on this website. Call 9-1-1 if you are experiencing an emergency right now.

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