Settlement Services
There are lots of resources to help you get settled in Durham Region. To find the support you need, look at our map of settlement services. You can also visit one of the Durham Welcome Centres.
The Durham Local Immigration Partnership (DLIP) advances its four priorities by supporting the work of our community partners. Explore our Resources page to find links to research on the needs of newcomers in Durham Region and resources designed to assist the DLIP’s settlement and non-settlement partners.
COVID-19 Vaccine Information
Find information about who is eligible for a vaccine and where residents can get vaccinated.
Learn about COVID-19 vaccines.
Durham Immigration and Inclusion Community Plan 2020 - 2024
The Regional Municipality of Durham Diversity and Immigration Program and the Durham Local Immigration Partnership (DLIP) Council is pleased to present the 2020-2024 Immigration and Inclusion Community Plan.
Durham has long been a community of choice for immigrants to Canada. Immigrants bring skills, experience and access to global markets – contributing to the social and cultural richness of the Region and to our shared economic prosperity. It is important that all residents, including newcomers, see a place for themselves in Durham’s communities. Everyone should feel they belong by encouraging, making space for, and valuing each person’s participation in the community and the economy.
The DLIP, together with partners and stakeholders, aims to mobilize Durham’s assets – our diverse population, our economic strength and a robust network of partners to support and promote the great economic, social and cultural benefits that newcomers bring to our communities. The Community Plan outlines priorities and actions for making that happen.
Read the Durham Immigration and Inclusion Community Plan 2020-2024