The Durham Local Immigration Partnership Council (DLIP) has three main working groups. They work toward meeting the objectives and goals identified in the Durham Diversity and Immigration Community Plan. These working groups inform discussions at the DLIP. For more information about joining a DLIP Working Group, please email

Community Partners in Diversity

Community Partners in Diversity (CPD) is the largest working group of the Durham Local Immigration Partnership Council (DLIP). Members of the CPD bring the voice of the broader community to the discussions at the DLIP table. Two-way communication between the Community Partners in Diversity group and the DLIP is essential. Both groups are standing items on the other's agenda.

The CPD defines diversity as the presence of a wide range of human qualities and attributes within a group, organization, or society. The dimensions of diversity include, but are not limited to, ancestry, culture, ethnicity, gender, identity, language, physical and intellectual ability, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status[1].


The purpose of the CPD is to accelerate settlement outcomes for newcomers and to meet the needs of all residents by:

. Increasing knowledge about organizations and services that affect diverse groups in the community

. Improving and increasing referrals and use of existing services

. Sharing resources, data and best practices

. Networking

. Identifying gaps in service or capacity in the community

. Sustaining and updating information on the portal

. Identifying information gaps on the portal

. Informing the work of the LDIPC

. Receiving information from the LDIPC

The CPD meets quarterly. Membership in the CPD is open to all community members.

Newcomer Advisory Table

The Newcomer Advisory Table (NAT) is a volunteer group comprised of Durham residents born outside of Canada.

Learn more about our NAT members. 

Francophone Partners Working Group
There are a number of community partners working with Francophone newcomers in Durham Region. The Francophone Partners Working Group meets three to four times a year. They discuss programs, services and new initiatives within the Francophone community. The purpose of this group is to share information between the broader community and the smaller Francophone community in Durham. 

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