It is important to have English-language translations of your important documents. If you have not had these translated before coming to Canada, you will need to contact a translation and interpretation agency once you arrive. There will be a charge for translating your documents. The Welcome Centres can help you find a reputable agency to translate for you. 

Most municipalities and many local agencies and organizations can provide interpreters in your home language. They will use the Language Line to connect with one of their agents who speaks your language and that person will interpret for you. If you know you will need an interpreter, you should contact the organization in advance so that an appointment can be made with the interpreter at the same time you are planning to be there. There is no charge to you for interpretation services at public service organizations.

Learning English

English and French are the official languages of Canada. English is more commonly spoken in Durham but there is a vibrant Francophone community here as well. You may want to learn English when you arrive. Language testing is a good way to assess your skill. You can also improve your English in conversation circles.

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